Representation of Members’ Interests
DLG Lohnsteuerhilfeverein represents its members’ interests, within the framework of the authorization provided by German Tax Consulting Act [Steuerberatergesetz] § 4 No. 11,
- To the Revenue Office [Finanzamt]
- To the Family Benefits Office [Familienkasse]
- Before the Fiscal Courts [Finanzgerichte] and the German Federal Fiscal Court [Bundesfinanzhof]
General Scope of Services
The services provided include assistance and consulting concerning tax issues and tax-saving plans
- For income tax assessment applications
- For income tax returns if you receive
- Income from non-independent work or other income from recurring payments (e.g. from the statutory pension fund, § 22 No. 1 EStG [German Income Tax Act]),
- Income from maintenance payments, or
- Income from capital assets, rental and lease payments or from speculative transactions (private sale transactions), provided that the total income received from these sources does not exceed EUR 13,000, or EUR 26,000 for jointly-assessed married couples
- For payroll tax relief applications
- For employee savings allowance
- For child benefit pursuant to the provisions of the German Income Tax Act
- For own home allowance pursuant to the German Own Home Allowance Act [Eigenheimzulagengesetz] (basic support [Grundförderung] and child benefit for homebuyers and home builders [Baukindergeld])
- For home ownership support pursuant to the old and new laws, including Baukindergeld [see above] (§§ 10e, 10i, 34f EStG)
- For additional pension ("Riester pension") support pursuant to the AVmG [Retirement Assets Act] (only within the framework of the limited Tax Consulting Authorization)
Corporation Tax and Capital Gains Tax
Provided that the assistance in question is permissible, DLG e.V. also provides assistance with applications for exemption from or offsetting of corporation tax and capital gains tax.
Written Correspondence
DLG e.V. will calculate your prospective claims to
- Tax reimbursement
- Own home allowance
- Investment allowance
In addition, it will deal with all applications and declarations, maintain all correspondence, review incoming assessments/notifications for you and pursue legal remedies and legal disputes concerning fiscal issues.